Brands typically do this for two reasons:

  1. To increase awareness and move product.
  2. To receive user-generated style content (UGC) for social posting or ads… to move product.

Even if you’re willing to fork over serious cash, forming a partnership (or even just getting a response) can be challenging.

But for the sake of conversation, let’s say you’ve done your influencer homework and have a primary goal of getting UGC.

You’ve been pitching and successfully secured a couple of solid placements. That’s where Influencer Comment Mining comes into play.


(I just made up that term. Call it whatever you want.)

Once the influencer makes their post, people typically grab the image for future use; maybe they share it with colleagues and then go about their day.

Here’s the thing. There’s probably a party happening in the comment section that you should be paying attention to. Influencers follow influencers, especially in the micro-influencer space, and they interact with each other’s content.

You’ll likely find new prospects that weren’t on your original outreach list, and those folks can be a content goldmine.

Now for the fun part.


The next step is to reach out to the folks that left a comment.

An email to these newfound prospects could look something like this.

Subject: re: Your Comment on Jane Doe’s Post

Hi there! I saw your comment on Jane Doe’s post (you’d link back to the post) about XYX and wanted to reach out.

Would you like to take part in our current gifting campaign as well?

The email can be that simple, and it has three core benefits:

  • You’re using a subject line that will likely catch his or her eye.
  • You’re referencing something she’s already shown interest in.
  • You’re also stating that it’s a gifting campaign. Even if you paid for the first influencer, it could now be assumed that they received the item as a gift.

By utilizing this tactic in your influencer outreach, you’ll likely experience a drastic increase in your response and take rate. You’ll also spend less time hunting for people and more time creating partnerships.

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